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What's Up DOC?

Management planning and concessions are powerful tools

Public conservation lands and waters give all New Zealanders opportunities to connect with nature. They provide vital habitat for native species and protection to historical and cultural places. DOC is responsible for the management, protection and preservation of these areas.

Conservation management planning is a catch-all term for the statutory documents, like conservation management strategies and national park management plans, that guide DOC’s work on public conservation lands and waters.

Concessions (the permissions system) are used by DOC to regulate the activities that can and cannot occur on these areas. Activities include things like access, filming, grazing, and guided tours.

Management planning and concessions are powerful statutory tools and the decisions made through them have environmental, social and economic impacts for tangata whenua, industry, environmental groups, communities and individuals.

  • More about conservation management planning

  • More about concessions

Current legislation is complicated and dated

Complicated and dated legislation means that using and navigating management planning and concessions can be challenging.

This has negative impacts for conservation values and people engaging with public conservation lands and waters. The delivery of critical work may be delayed or missed.

The Conservation Management and Processes (CMAP) Bill seeks to reform targeted areas of conservation legislation.

The proposals aim to make the legislation more workable, helping the concessions management systems to keep pace with societal and technological changes. They will also improve the often slow and painful process of reviewing out-of-date conservation management planning documents.

Your input will help

We are seeking your feedback on three specific areas in the CMAP Bill, with proposals for:

  1. Conservation management planning – improve the ability to develop and review conservation management strategies, conservation management plans and national park management plans.

  2. Permissions system – improve the ability to process, manage and allocate concession opportunities on public conservation lands and waters.

  3. Miscellaneous – remove or clarify minor and technical miscellaneous legislative anomalies.

Our complicated and dated legislation contributes to slow and costly processes. These changes will make these processes more user friendly and enable DOC to take a more proactive approach to planning and concessions management.

DOC will consider the views of submitters when undertaking further analysis and use that information to inform any advice on a preferred option.

Discussion document

We have prepared a discussion document that provides more detail about the proposals within the CMAP Bill.

Refer to this document when preparing your submission:

The discussion document is focused on making targeted statutory changes to existing conservation legislation.

We are not seeking views on potential future comprehensive reform of conservation legislation or on the review of the Wildlife Act.

You can find out more about the suite of projects underway to improve conservation legislation, including opportunities for engaging with the various projects, on the Modernising conservation legislation page.

Submit your response

We are seeking feedback on the proposed options outlined in the discussion document.

We have prepared a form to help you submit your response. When completed this can be sent to us via email, or printed and posted.

  • Submission form (PDF, 432K) (opens in new window)

  • Submission form (DOCX, 402K) (opens in new window)

You are free to prepare your own response without the form.

1. Prepare your submission

Submissions must include:

  • your name

  • the name of your organisation, if you are submitting on behalf of your organisation

  • whether your submission represents the views of that entire organisation or a part of it

  • your contact details.

2. Send us your submission before 30 June 2022

Email: Subject line: CMAP Process

Post: Conservation Management and Processes Bill Policy Unit Department of Conservation PO Box 10420 Wellington 6143

All submissions must be received by DOC by the end of Thursday, 30 June 2022.

DOC will also undertake targeted engagement with tangata whenua – whānau, hapū and iwi through regional hui.

DOC will hold meetings with key stakeholder groups with an interest in DOC’s conservation management planning and concessions frameworks and will invite individuals and groups to provide written submissions.

DOC will publish a summary of submissions

A summary of submissions received will be published on this web page in 2022.

Your submission may be released publicly

All submissions are subject to the Official Information Act (external site) and can be released under this Act. If you have specific reasons for wanting to have your submission withheld, explain your reasons in the submission. Your reasons will be considered when making any assessment for the release of submissions under the Official Information Act.

What happens next

DOC will analyse all submissions and then report back to the Minister of Conservation on the feedback, with recommendations for her consideration. Your submissions will help inform policy decisions that will be included in any proposed amendments.

If the Government decides to progress the proposed legislative changes, the public will have the opportunity to make submissions during the select committee process. This process would likely occur in the second half of 2022.


If you have questions, email the CMAP team:



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