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Apprentice subsidy scheme - growing future Parks Leaders

Using the government $16k fees subsidy to an apprenticeships approach for our sector will be of huge benefit. Uptake is important at a time of members and councils setting their following year(s) up! As members respond to the apprenticeship payment survey, the profile of this topic has been raised as we consider stimulus packages, getting work done, and resetting our resources bases, going into LTP preparation or the years ahead. Every year Parks Leaders in NZ raise concern regarding the issue of the future of the industry; well, something here has been handed on a plate. Starting from 1 July, the vocational programmes will be initially funded.  

Acknowledging government payment is made to the tertiary trainer (e.g. Polytech (or University?)) the fees for training are all covered so then it is up to the agency and the sector to show an easy pathway to a career, a composite technical training and university degree connection, dream jobs and a profession that does indeed involve saving the world.  This should be a great time for parks to grow future leaders and parks directors. (I still share with interns and young professional forums that this is indeed an industry that offers a fast-track career path; citing that from the end of my apprenticeship (and from being on $3/hr) to becoming a Parks and Recreation Director of a City Council was only 10 years, and less than a third of my life at that time!)



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